Photo of Paws Pantry packaged dog food

Repackaged Pet Food

Unfortunately, there are many people in our own community who experience great financial hardships daily. Many have difficulty paying for the basics of life such as food and medicine. Thankfully, several community organizations assist these individuals and families with people food and supplies.

But the Pad for Paws Foundation exists to further assist by providing specifically for the needs of the pets and service/therapy animals of these individuals and families - their 4-legged family members.

Paws Pantry started feeding hungry pets in July 2008

Our Paws Pantry program is available because of our generous volunteers, donors, and business support. We collect donations of cat and dog food, repackage it into zip-top bags, and deliver weekly to Helena Food Share, God’s Love, and numerous needy families and individuals who contact us for help.

The benefactors of this program are not only our furry friends, but also the pet owners who have a reliable source of quality food for their beloved pets and service/therapy animals.

With Pad for Paws providing the pet’s food, it frees up some of the family’s finances so they can pay for groceries, utilities, car gas, and the other costs of daily life.

Pad for Paws also distributes pet supplies - dog and cat beds, collars, harnesses, leashes, pet toys, kennels, litter boxes, etc. And we assist with the cost of emergency veterinary care to ease pet suffering.

How can I help?

Donations of cash allow us to purchase cat and dog food on an as-needed basis, and in the best economical quantities possible. Additionally, we gratefully accept donations of bags or cans of dog and cat food. We have drop-off bins at the entrances of Petco and Safeway.

How much of a difference will my donation make?

For every $25 donation, the Foundation is able to purchase enough food to feed one cat for one month, or one dog for two weeks. Presently, the Paws Pantry program is providing over 600 pounds of pet food each week to Helena Food Share alone.

All donations greatly assist our ability to improve the lives of area cats and dogs whose owners are presently experiencing a financial hardship.

How do I make donations?

You can easily make donations as follows:

  • Make a convenient and secure online donation;
  • Donate to us through PayPal
  • Mail a check/donation to the following address:
    Pad for Paws Foundation
    PO Box 287
    Helena, MT 59624
  • Call us and we’ll do our best to accommodate your needs!

All donations are tax deductible as allowable by law. Tax ID number: 20-3420721